Выкладываю результаты (только кобелей), прошу прощения за качество фоток и за их малочисленность :sm77:
Junior class1. Gold Finger Catulus (Harnett Watercolours in the Rain x Daragoj Lady Chatterley)

2. Dialynne Atlantis (Dialynne Maximus x Dialynne Jolene At Webline)

3. Absolutely Spotless Wesyr (Lanbur Café Macchiato x Calabrias Camilla Tel Quel)

4. Roeper’s Blue Thunder (Fallowfield Douglas x Danisch Blue from Muskoka Dream’s)
Intermedia class1. Gala Inkognito (Langrigg Like Lladro x Gala India)

2. Gala Hooligan (Imagine Me Ike from Elly’s Pack x Gala Paloma)

3. Cowboy Xandrina (Hotshot Xandrina x Dufosee Guinevre)

4. Szephegiy-Szimat Rocky (Daragoj Country Classic x Hessin Kitty)
Open class 1. Beagelee Blackjack (Springfieldnskyline’s Bigshot x Briarlane’s Manahound Payback)

2. Daragoj Laudatur (Lanbur Edgar Allan x Daragoj Heaven Can Wait)
3. Florreke Lighthouse Family (Estabhane Lighthouse Family x Delightful Lighthouse Family)

(на переднем плане Daragoj Laudatur, сзади - Florreke Lighthouse Family )
4. Absolutely Spotless Szach (Hotshot Xandrina x Spotless Ingrid)
Working class1. Vico Dell’Etruria 2000 (Daragoj The Oriental x Tirsa Dell’Etruria 2000)

2. Glossy Gambler Von Der Thurnmuhle (Red Baron Check Point Charlie x Daragoj Warfare)

3. Red House Willow Del Monte Soratte (Philippo del Monte Soratte x Laika del Monte Soratte)

4. One Night Only of Catulus Xandrina (Don Corleone Catulus x Starbuck Torbay Smoke Ring)
Champion class1. Gold Line’s Crystal Lawless Rebel (Gold Line’s Best Revenge x Gold Line’s Magic Sound of Blues) -
2. Acheron of Volcano Cotopaxi (Daragoj Kohinoor x Cokie Any Cek)
3. Cobe Van De Mansveldhoeve (Snugglewood’s Ramses x Vlasta van Tolejo’s Hof)
4. Gala Charlie Boy (Red Baron Check Point Charlie x Gala Paradise)